
ながいつぶやき(134)焙煎したての味 Freshly Roasted Taste





I bought some coffee beans at a local coffee bean shop. 
I called the shop, said "mandarin tobacco, 200", left the house and stopped at the shop on my way to Myorenji. I used to buy my coffee beans at this shop. But recently I have been drinking only Doutor Coffee's Royal Crystal Blend. I can buy it quickly when I go to Doutor and it is delicious. 
 But this time I went to the coffee beans shop in my neighbourhood because I had one more stamp away to complete my reward card. I hadn't been there for a long time and there were two new clerks in training. 
The atmosphere of the shop looked different somehow. I got my tenth stamp on my card. 
 Oh yes, and I donated the printer that was taking up a lot of space in my room and a lot of paper to the 生活綴方 bookstore where they also stock YANA. It feels good to have more and more space in my apartment.
 The coffee I brewed this morning tasted freshly roasted and new, unlike the usual Doutor beans.

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